I CAN NOT BLOG ON AN EMPTY STOMACH DAMMIT. =_= I’ve been sitting here for an hour or more starving trying to update pages and save drafts of posts and stuff but IM HUNGRY ;-; MY STOMACH KEEPS TALKING TO ME SAYIN’ *gurgle gurgle gurgle~* Call it what you will Stupidity,Foolishness, but starving myself to get something done is what I call dedication =_= I’m in a pretty good mood to start ranting about stuff…………………………………………………………………..


…………………………………………………………………………………=_= Dangit I’m too hungry, I’ll post when I’m sane again.


Ranting about my stomach actually gave me back some sanity and I reconsidered this post but PFFFF YOLO (as you can see me and my stomach are still somewhat unstable)  I realize that this was actually a waste of time when I could’ve been doing something more productive ~_~ and I’m mainly posting this cause I also deserve the shame so I learn. Anyway after I eat I’ll be posting about photography and music (if I have time) because honestly I could eat a cow………….no a whale =_= and that may take a few hours, well either way I’ll be eating a lot since I practically had nothing for lunch and breakfast today which is my own fault ~_~ Ehhhh ~ I’m sorry for making you read something so worthless ;-;

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